IT Law

Information technology law is a multi-disciplinary field that aims to prevent all kinds of information and data from being used against people through developing technology and is increasingly important. It encompasses many different fields such as IT law, internet law, e-commerce, e-signature, protection of personal data, digital duplication, and cyber crimes. For this reason, it interacts with branches of law including commercial law and criminal law.

The regulation in the field of informatics in our country, which is based on internet law and brings with it many innovations, is the Law No. 5651 on the Regulation of Publications Made on the Internet and Combating Crimes Committed through These Publications, which came into force in 2007. With this Law, the rights and obligations of internet actors are specified, and the basic procedures and principles for blocking access in case of violation of personal rights and privacy of private life are regulated. Since there is no law on cyber crimes in our country, issues related to cyber crimes have been added to the relevant laws. For example; It is decided to block access in case of the catalog crimes listed in Article 8 of Law No. 5651.

Apart from Law No. 5651, the most comprehensive regulations regarding cyber crimes are included in the Turkish Penal Code. Among the crimes regulated under the title of Crimes in the Field of Information Technology in the Turkish Penal Code;

-Entering the information system,

– Blocking, corrupting the system, destroying or changing data,

-Abuse of debit or credit cards,

-Prohibited devices or programs,

-The crimes of imposing security measures on legal entities are included.

Önal&Önal Law Firm, within the scope of IT law;

-Protection of personal data,

-Protection of intellectual property rights on the internet,

-Internet banking disputes,

– Complaints regarding cyber crimes and blocking of access,
-Domain name disputes,

– It serves its clients on many issues such as violation of personal rights via the Internet and privacy of private life, with over 35 years of experience and lawyers who are experts in their fields.