Media and Communication Law

The concept of media entered our lives as a definition covering radio, television and journalism in the years when private television channels increased. However, after the transition to the internet age, the new media type called social media has become a concept that encompasses almost the entire concept of media and communication.

People who communicate via social media and, more generally, the internet, began to behave much more comfortably as they were able to hide themselves, and a different and strange communication language developed. Bound by social curtains, masks and etiquette, humanity has developed a new language of communication as the multitude of people who choose to act recklessly behind the protective shield of the internet. The fact that people, especially those who communicate via social media, can easily direct insults and curses at each other has led to many criminal and compensation lawsuits being filed. It should not be forgotten that; An insult made in communication via social media or the internet is no different from a face-to-face insult. In fact, if it is done publicly, on platforms such as Instagram or Twitter, rather than through private messaging, it is a situation that requires more punishment than a face-to-face insult, as it includes the element of publicity.

In addition, since there is a great convenience in conveying their demands directly to statesmen or artists who are very difficult to reach, sending messages containing direct insults and profanities has made it very easy to commit a crime. It should never be forgotten that using the internet is no different from talking to people on the street. There is a good definition that the tongue has no bones. We can turn this into a keyboard that has no bones for the internet world. A message you send out of a moment of anger can cause you a serious headache later.

Again, just as you approach people asking for money while walking on the street, or the stories they tell you when asking for help, you should have the same skeptical attitude when purchasing products online or making payments for donations, games, etc. Unfortunately, scammers cause harm to many people by imitating many reliable sites. The way to prevent this is to learn how to use the internet safely and not to lose ourselves in a world of imagination while in front of the computer. The generation that grew up with the internet learns this easily. However, generations accustomed to television think of the Internet as television and think that there is a one-way communication. However, in the movie “Vizontele”, people who just saw television asked, “Will Zeki Müren see us too?” Although the question is funny, if we ask the same thing about the internet and social media, this question will not be funny and the answer will be “yes”. For this reason, do not forget that everything you write and every action you take while using the internet leaves a trace and may concern the law at any time.

Developments such as watching television on the internet, listening to the radio on the internet, and reading the newspaper on the internet do not make it possible to evaluate the concept of media independently of the internet. In parallel with the developments, legal regulations are made and case law is formed. What is learned from the developments is this; It should not be forgotten that there is no unlimited freedom in internet use, social media and other platforms, and everything done will have legal consequences.