Competition Law

Competition Law
Competition law, which is essentially regulated in Turkish law within the framework of the Law on the Protection of Competition No. 4054, is a branch of law that aims to implement competition in a balanced manner in the free market and to prevent dominant undertakings in the market from abusing their dominance. Although the birth and development of competition law dates back to the early 20th century, it has become an increasingly important field in recent years due to the speed and scope of today’s economic activities.
Our Fields of Study
As regulated in Article 2 of the Law; Agreements, practices and decisions that prevent, distort and restrict competition between all undertakings operating in the goods and services markets within the borders of the Republic of Turkey or affecting these markets, and any abuse of this dominance by undertakings that dominate the market and any mergers and acquisitions that will significantly reduce competition. All kinds of legal transactions and behaviors, measures, determination, regulation and supervision for the protection of competition are within the scope of competition law and therefore Law No. 4054.
As Önal&Önal Law Firm,
-Making notifications and complaints to the Competition Authority,
-Solution of unfair competition disputes arising from trademark and trade name,
-Conducting competition-related cases in the courts,
-We serve our clients with our over 35 years of experience and our lawyers, each of whom is an expert in their field, in many matters such as consultancy services regarding company mergers and acquisitions and execution of the process.