Contract Law

A contract is a verbal or written agreement between two or more people on certain issues. It is proven through legal experience that many important legal problems arise from mistakes and deficiencies in contracts.

Unfortunately, many contracts, from the simplest rental agreement to high-dollar commercial agreements, are concluded without the assistance of a lawyer, resulting in great grievances. Generally, since both parties have positive thoughts at the signing stage of contracts, it does not come to mind that the help of a lawyer may be necessary. However, when a problem arises in the implementation of the contract, it comes to mind to consult a lawyer to solve it. In this case, it is very difficult to eliminate deficiencies and errors in the contracts.

However, many legal problems that may be encountered can be prevented if the assistance of a lawyer is obtained during the writing phase of the contract. Contracts can be made in any way desired by the will and preferences of the parties. This is called freedom of contract in law. However, contracts cannot be made on immoral matters, criminal matters and things that are impossible to do.

Apart from this, if one of the parties is in a weak position when making a contract, the law and practice protect this weak party. For example, if the employer wants to sign a new contract while the employment relationship continues between the employee and the employer, the employee who does not want to lose his job will accept this contract, even if the conditions are unfavorable. In this case, the contractual clauses that are against the worker will be considered invalid. Again, if a party is deceived into signing the contract, the contract may be annulled.

However, for traders and especially companies, making mistakes, making wrong decisions due to inexperience, and similar reasons are unacceptable reasons for contracts. Because companies also have an obligation to act as a prudent trader. Within the scope of this obligation, excuses such as companies not realizing or misunderstanding the terms of the contracts they signed at the signing

stage or similar excuses will not be listened to. For this reason, it is imperative for companies to seek professional help during the contract signing phase.

The process of signing a contract, which seems simple, can cause extremely complex legal problems due to incomplete and faulty contracts. For this reason, it would be extremely beneficial to get support from a lawyer instead of downloading and signing ready-made contracts or many faulty contracts found on the internet.