International Commercial Contracts

What is important in creating the desired environment of trust in international trade is to have a basis to eliminate disputes completely or as much as possible. This basis is commercial contracts duly signed by the parties in writing.

Factors such as the price of the contract, duration, rights and obligations, correct recognition of the parties, clear presentation of the demands, termination, insurance, legal obligations or preferably clearly determining the elements to be added in advance should not be ignored. Likewise, whether the signatories have this authority or not will determine the binding nature of the contract.

Getting legal advice before the contract, getting help in managing the process, and signing under the supervision of a lawyer are important in completing the job.

As Onal&Onal, we are equipped with the necessary equipment to resolve all kinds of possible commercial disputes. Our services include consultancy on the subject before the process and negotiation and preparation of these contracts. The process is followed up by expert and experienced Onal-Onal personnel in accordance with national and international laws.