HABERVITRINI.COM – 18 December 2002
SOURCE: News Vitrini The case in which antique dealer Nil Hayal Demirkazık was tried with a request for imprisonment of up to 4 years and 6 months for allegedly committing the crime of “fraud” by selling 3 fake paintings for 5 billion lira, continued. Erendiz Önal, lawyer of Demirkazık and complainant Mahmut Servet Kızılkaplan, attended today’s hearing of the case held at Ankara 8th Criminal Court of First Instance. When the photojournalists who entered the courtroom with the reporters attempted to take pictures, Demirkazık, who was standing on the defendant’s stand, left his place and went to the section of the courtroom where the prisoners entered. At this point, Demirkazık turned his back to the people in the hall and demanded that the journalists be taken out. Judge Yusuf Öztürk then took the press members out and held a secret session. While leaving the courthouse, Demirkazık claimed that he did not know the complainant and that the allegation was “slander” The other party’s purpose is advertising,” he said. “I am against using this event as a material,” he said. When asked how his relations with the AK Party were, Demirkazık said “Good” and said that he found the government successful. It was stated that Demirkazık did not accept the allegations at the hearing and said that he “did not trade in paintings”. In the indictment, Demirkazık said to the complainant Kızılkaplan; It is claimed that he sold three fake paintings, claiming to belong to İbrahim Safi, Şeref Akdik and Hasan Vecihi Bereketoğlu, for 5 billion lira. In the indictment, a prison sentence of 1.5 to 4.5 years is requested for Demirkazık, in accordance with Article 503/1 of the Turkish Penal Code (TCK), which includes the “fraud” provision, and Article 522, titled “Situations that increase or decrease the punishment”. Updated Date: 16.3.2016 18:56