IT Law

IT law is a multidisciplinary field that aims to prevent the adverse use of all types of information and data through evolving technology and encompasses various areas such as internet law, e-commerce, e-signature, protection of personal data, digital reproduction, and cybercrimes. Therefore, it interacts with other legal branches, including commercial law and criminal law.


In Turkey, the primary regulation focusing on internet law and bringing many innovations is the Law No. 5651 on the Regulation of Publications on the Internet and Suppression of Crimes Committed by Means of Such Publications, which came into effect in 2007. This law specifies the rights and obligations of internet actors, and it regulates the basic procedures and principles for blocking access in case of violations of personality rights and the privacy of private life. Since there is no specific law in Turkey that addresses cybercrimes, matters related to cybercrimes are incorporated into relevant laws. For instance, if the enumerated offenses in Article 8 of Law No. 5651 are committed, a decision may be made to block access.


Apart from Law No. 5651, the most comprehensive regulations regarding cybercrimes are included in the Turkish Penal Code. Among the crimes regulated under the title “Crimes in the Field of Informatics” in the Turkish Penal Code:


-Entering into a computer system,

-Obstructing, disrupting, deleting, or altering data in the system,

-Misuse of bank or credit cards,

-Prohibited devices or programs,

-Imposing security measures on legal entities,


ONAL & ONAL Law Office, within the scope of IT law, provides legal support and consultancy to its clients in various areas, including but not limited to:


-Protection of personal data,

-Protection of intellectual property rights on the internet,

-Disputes related to internet banking,

-Complaints regarding cybercrimes and access blocking,

-Disputes related to domain names,

-Violation of personality rights and privacy through the internet, and more, with its 35 years of experience and expert attorneys in each field.


Profesyonel Hukuk Ekibimiz

Erendiz ÖNAL

1959 Lüleburgaz doğumludur. Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesinden 1985 yılında mezun olmuştur. 35 yıllık meslek yaşamında…

Mehmet Topçu

1999’dan beri büromuzun İcra Departmanında avukat katibi pozisyonunda çalışan Mehmet Topcu bu alanda uzun yıllara…

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