The concept of media entered our lives as a definition encompassing radio, television, and journalism during the years when private television channels increased. However, with the transition to the internet age, a new type of media called social media has emerged, which includes almost the entire concept of media and communication.
People communicating via social media and, more generally, the internet, tend to behave more freely than they would in person, leading to the development of a communication style that is not only different but also peculiar. Humanity, bound by social norms, masks, and etiquette, has developed a new communication language for those who prefer to behave recklessly behind the protective shield of the internet. Especially on social media, individuals can easily direct insults and profanities at each other, leading to numerous criminal and compensation cases. It is important to remember that insulting someone on social media or the internet is no different from insulting them face-to-face. In fact, if insults are made on public platforms like Instagram or Twitter, they may even carry more severe penalties due to their public nature.
Moreover, the ease of directly reaching out to public figures or artists who are otherwise difficult to contact has made it incredibly easy to commit offenses such as direct insults and profanities. When using the internet, it’s essential to realize that it’s no different from talking to people on the street. There’s a saying that “words have no bones.” This can be adapted to the internet world as “keyboards have no bones.” A message sent in a moment of anger can come back to haunt you.
Just as you would approach people asking for money on the street or stories told while seeking help with skepticism and distance, the same cautious approach should be taken online, whether you’re buying products, making donations, playing games, or making payments for other purposes. Unfortunately, scammers often mimic the appearance of reputable websites and deceive many people. Preventing this requires learning safe internet usage practices and not getting lost in a fantasy world while at the computer. The younger generation growing up with the internet tends to learn this easily. However, generations accustomed to television often think of the internet as a one-sided communication medium similar to television. While the question posed by people in the movie “Vizontele” about whether Zeki Müren will see us if we watch him on television is comical, if we ask the same question about the internet and social media, it won’t be funny, and the answer will be “yes.” Therefore, when using the internet, always remember that everything you write and every action you take leaves a trace and could have legal implications at any moment.
The advent of watching television over the internet, listening to radio online, and reading newspapers on the internet makes it impossible to evaluate the concept of media independently of the internet. Alongside these developments, legal regulations are being established, and case law is forming. The lesson learned from these developments is that there is no unlimited freedom in internet usage, social media, and other platforms, and it should not be forgotten that every action can have legal consequences.